Dee CritophPsychotherapy in St Albans, AL3, Hertfordshire

About Me. me work 22 25

About Me

I have worked as a therapist in various charitable organisations, but my primary focus is my private practice. I aim to provide a reflective space where you can talk, think and explore whatever is on your mind in a safe and confidential environment.

Experience & Expertise

My experience in therapeutic environments extends over 20 years. I have worked extensively with homeless, forensic and diverse populations and those with complex needs. Additionally, I have vast experience working long-term with people facing severe emotional difficulties, disturbing behaviours, criminality and violence.

Areas of Interest include

> Trauma
> Mind-Body connection
> Harmful, Destructive and Risky Behaviour

Training & Qualifications

After a career in social care, I went on to train as a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist at the Manor House Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy in London. I completed a rigorous British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) accredited training, gaining experience through seminars and clinical practice.

Additionally, I have undertaken COFRA 121 - StopSo training, a therapeutic programme to help people manage sexual risk and to live more pro-social, satisfying lives.

With the world-renowned Tavistock & Portman, I attended a year-long course: Psychoanalytic ideas on violence, criminality and sexual deviation.

University of Derby: Autism, Asperger's and ADHD - Recognised and Endorsed by the ADHD Foundation

I have completed a two-year-long Infant Observation and a Psychiatric Placement. I continue to embark on further Psychoanalytic training with the British Psychotherapy Foundation (BPF). The bpf is one of the country's most respected Psychoanalytic organisations.


I am a Certified ADHD Clinical Services Professional (ADHD-CCSP)


I am a registrant of the BPC, working to their code of ethics.

About Me. BPC LOGO 2 66GB

Professional Affiliations

BPC - British Psychoanalytic Council


About Me. ADHD Foundation logo

Recognised and Endorsed by the ADHD Foundation


About Me. Derby uni

About Me. ADHD logo 1

ADHD Counselling

About Me. ADHD Logo 2


About Me. PT

Psychology Today

About Me. Counselling Directory Member

Counselling Directory

Registered Practitioner with the following Healthcare Insurance Providers


About Me. Vitality logo


About Me. Ariva Insurance

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